Located in Anaheim, California, the neighborhood of Anaheim Shores is one of the most affordable in the region. There are a variety of medium and small homes for sale. The median real estate price in the neighborhood is $619,530. The average rental cost in the area is $2,829. This is lower than the 53.4% average in California. The neighborhood also has a number of amenities, including parks, dining, and shopping. Next Article

In the real estate community of Anaheim Shores, there are 264 home sites. These sites are paved and include water and sewer supplied by the city. The neighborhood also has a clubhouse, an rv storage facility, and a pool. Other community facilities include a sports court and a sand volleyball court. The neighborhood has also undergone a recent redevelopment project, known as ARTIC. This is the new super hub for rail transportation in Anaheim. The site is also home to the Canyon Business Center, where Kaiser Permanente has invested. The city is also in the process of completing the full reconstruction of the Fullerton Municipal Airport. This is a regional relief airport, and the property is owned by the city.

The neighborhood of Anaheim Shores is home to many of the best neighborhoods in Orange County. This is because of the diverse mix of people that live here. Some of the most notable residents are those that are Portuguese, Mexican, and Asian. In fact, the community boasts a higher percentage of foreign-born residents than any other American neighborhood. Other important languages spoken in the area include Vietnamese, Tagalog, and English.

The most expensive item on the market in the area is a mobile home. This type of home has a lot rent and monthly space rent. The average mobile home in the neighborhood has a lot rent of $1100 per month. In addition to having a lot rent, these homes are also insured. This makes them the smartest housing choice for those looking for an affordable home in the Anaheim Shores area. More info

The neighborhood of Anaheim Shores also has the most cars of any American neighborhood. The most common means of transportation is a private automobile. Other methods include driving the bus and carpooling to work. This is not a bad thing, especially if you live in a neighborhood that has a short commute time. Most of the neighbors in this area make the one- or two-mile one-way trip to work. In fact, the average commute in this neighborhood is shorter than the time most Americans spend on the road.

The neighborhood of Anaheim Shores was built in the 1970s and has a population of nearly 8,000. As with most neighborhoods, the housing market has evolved over the years. The most recent housing market data shows a high demand for housing, with a higher-than-average price appreciation. The median real estate price in the area is above the national average, which may be attributed to this. While the average home in the neighborhood is priced at more than what most other Americans can afford, the price of housing in the area is actually quite reasonable.

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