Located at 210 Marine Ave, Newport Beach, CA 92662. The Balboa Island Museum & Historical Society is a nonprofit organization. The organization was founded in 2000, and it has been collecting, preserving, and displaying items related to the history of Balboa Island. The museum is housed in a cottage built in 1947, and it contains a variety of exhibits that explore the island’s history. There is also a gift shop and a small gallery showcasing vintage photographs, historic artifacts, and more. The museum is free to visit, and you can take a tour of the museum for a small fee.

The Balboa Island Museum & Historical society has a small, yet detailed collection of historical artifacts. Its displays include pictures of the island’s history, a photo collection of the island, a collection of historical documents, trophies, and more. The museum also has a gift shop, a small gallery, and a dog friendly area. The museum’s purpose is to promote the history of the island, and to provide a gathering place for the island’s residents.

Another museum in Orange County is the Palm Court Arts Complex, which is located in a former Marine Corps Air Station. It features an aviation exhibition, as well as artifacts from agricultural and military history. The museum is open for public viewing on weekends from 10am-3pm. A docent-guided tour is available. A school group of 30-60 students may request a tour.

The Nixon Presidential Library and Museum is a docent-led museum that offers two-hour tours. The museum is located in a restored fire station, and it has a large collection of vintage equipment, including a fully restored 1921 Seagrave fire engine. It’s open on Sundays, and it offers free admission days. It is also open for private tours. The museum has information on a variety of subjects, such as the movie “Hollywood Stars,” John Wayne, and the Ferry. It is also free to visit on Fridays. Next Article

There are many interesting things to see in Orange County. You can take a look at historical homes, science museums, and even a destination museum. The OCMA is a destination museum in its own right, and it enriches the lives of its local and diverse community. A visit to the OCMA is a great way to spend a Saturday afternoon. During the summer, visitors can participate in Bat Walks, where they can see live flying bats. The museum is free to visit, and parking is available on the main street or in the surrounding neighborhood. You can visit the museum on a group tour, but you’ll need to book a spot. The museum’s hours vary, but group tours are usually offered on Tuesday-Friday. More here

The Ocean Institute is an educational center dedicated to the study of ocean and maritime history. It is open for the public on weekends from 10am-3pm, and it provides maritime history programs for K-12 students. The museum has a touch tank for visitors to explore the sea’s creatures, and a model ship.

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